Saturday, March 19, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Location: Home!
Listening to: American Dad
Mood: Content

Spring break is finally here, and not a week too soon! I have been so stressed these past few weeks what with all of my people-related problems. The one thing that made the last few days before I could come home from campus (besides spending just about every free second with my lovely and amazing boyfriend) was experiencing St. Patrick's day on a college campus for the first time ever.

Honestly, Thursday was the first time my campus really seemed like a college campus to me. Probably because it was the first time it looked anything like the movies. My college is in a small town, so there really isn't much to do for most kids except go to the bars on the weekend. I'm one of the few who choose to stay sober, partially because I'm underage, partially because I don't see the need to get hammered all the time.

On St. Patrick's Day, the bars opened at 6 a.m. and a surprising number of kids were there right away. By the time I was walking to my first class at 9:30 a.m., people were already being loud. A car drove down the main road through campus blasting music and someone was blowing a vuvuzela out the window at passers-by. In class, one guy was already obnoxiously drunk. He was also misguidedly wearing a kilt. I hope someone pointed out to him that kilts are Scottish, not Irish.

In my second class of the day, we usually take a 3 question quiz at the end of every lecture. That day, though, our professor was so proud of us for even showing up, he just had us sign a sheet of paper and gave us the points just for being there.

At work, someone forgot to lock the doors into the theater lobby, so a herd of guys meandered in at one point. They just kind of strolled around, and eventually strolled right back out. After they left, the following conversation ensued:

My Boss: Abbie! ABBIE!!!
Me: Yeah?
My Boss: Those guys were totally pickled! There was, like, a cloud of beer around them. It smelled disgusting.
Me: Oh man. That's gross.
My Boss: I think one of them puked in the mens' bathroom. I think he made it to the toilet, though. I don't even care. It just reeks.
Me: Ewwwww.

Cop cars were patrolling all day. Noisy parties were everywhere - you definitely would not have had to work to find one. Loud, obnoxious, drunk people were more or less the only people you saw.

It was amusing.

I hope you all had a pleasant St. Patty's day. And, for those of you also still in school, I hope you all have great spring breaks!

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