Sunday, May 15, 2011

Over the hump

Location: Home
Listening to: Commercials on Fox

This is how kick-ass my nails look right now. I just got done with an awesome and much needed girl time bonding session with Alison. I haven't seen her since Christmas break, so we had a lot of catching up to do and we spent it painting our nails, watching silly TV shows, and getting ice cream.

I am officially over the terrible hump of sadness that came with leaving my boyfriend halfway across the state. I miss him terribly, but I have resigned myself to the fact that being sad is not going to make him closer. And I'm visiting him this Tuesday instead of three weeks from now, which makes it much more bearable. I am so excited to see him!

Thanks to Charcoal Renderings for your awesome awesome awesome advice! It makes me feel a lot better about this situation knowing other people are in it and have dealt with it before and survived.  :)

Even though I actually did stuff tonight, I still don't really have much to write about. I've pretty much spent my time home so far unpacking and making my room a complete disaster and doing laundry. And playing's kind of addicting and I just got into it and it amuses me.

More later!


  1. Shatter nail polish is the best thing ever.

    And weird coincidence of the day? I know Charcoal Renderings in real life...strange.

    Not that I've ever been in a long distance relationship, but my best friend and her long time boyfriend had one for a few years and they made it work out before they were able to see each other constantly. Call each other any chance you can get, Skype if you can, and when you get to see each other, take total advantage of it.

    Plus, now you both can be cheesy and write old fashioned love letters to each other!


    You are most welcome, lady! We gals gotta stick togethah. My relationship is fairly new--we've been friends for a really long time, but only recently have we decided to move from friend zone to "hey how you doin'" zone--and we both live in different states now, so not only are we learning how to be more-than-friends, we are also learning how to do that via long distance. It's been quite the discovery so far.

    And I completely second the lovely (and real!) Paigeewa's suggestion of writing letters. I like playing around with calligraphy myself, so that helps my letter-writing muse get going. Savor the depth that can come from going it long distance--it's never a true replacement for having someone physically with you, but since he isn't right by your side, it allows you time to talk and maybe learn a little more about the person as a whole; view him through a different lens, as it were. I wish you luck and happiness!

  3. Just checking in; I haven't been to your blog in a long time. Glad to see you're doing well.

    I have nothing to say about nail polish, though, so I'll leave that to the experts.
