Monday, September 26, 2011


Location: Work
Listening to: Professors discuss summer coarses
Days Without Fast Food: 4


And I must say, I'm pretty impressed with the website. If you ignore the fact that it tends to get overloaded with people and kicks you out occasionally, it's a lot of fun. You get to walk through the chapters of the books and find information J.K. Rowling planned out, but never published. You take quizzes Rowling wrote to be chosen by your wand and to be sorted into your house.

You find out a lot of really cool stuff, and it's really interesting.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share my excitement. If you get an account, add me when it opens!


More later!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fake Birthdays

Location: Work
Listening to: Typing
Days Without Fast Food: 3

You guys. I know I gush about my boyfriend a lot (really, I try to hold it in, but sometimes it just swells up inside me and explodes out of my fingertips and into my blog), and I know I'm probably a teeny bit biased because I am dating him, but I am here to make a sweeping declaration:

My boyfriend is the best boyfriend in the world.

Argue if you must, but I honestly can not think of any ways that any boyfriend other than mine could possibly be the best. I'll probably give him a trophy for it, or something. And here is why:

So, my birthday is coming up in a few weeks. And for the past month or so, Brad has been teasing me about the great and fabulous present he was planning on getting me. Now, my curiosity, once piqued, is a force that cannot be stopped. I wheedled for hints and made absurd guesses (the most common of which was a puppy, with absolutely no evidence that that was possibly the gift).

And then the other day, he left work and came home with a giant stack of boxes wrapped in Tangled (one of my favorite movies) wrapping paper.* He teased me about having to wait 3 weeks until my birthday to open them, saying I'd have to just sit and stare at the boxes until my real birthday. Which was fine by me, because I was excited that he even got me anything, and I didn't even care about the presents that much, I just wanted to know what was in them.

But he got really excited to give them to me. And I was beyond curious about what they were. So we decided to make yesterday my fake birthday. After classes and after he was done with his day, we would go back to the apartment and I would get to open my presents (all non-present related birthday activity is being saved for my real birthday).

So after my class, I meet him at the campus radio station and hang out while he records the baseball podcast he does with some friends every week, and then we went home.

And I opened the door.

And on the desk was a bouquet of pink roses, and a card saying "To the girl I love."**

And he told me to open the card. And in the card was a clue. All of my presents were hidden around the apartment, and I had to go on a scavenger hunt to find them. Which was awesome.

So I went through all of the cards, opening presents along the way.

And you guys, my boyfriend is the most thoughtful guy ever. Every time we're in a store and we walk past socks, I always go on a rant about how I loovvveee warm and fuzzy socks because my feet are always freezing. So he got me two pairs of fuzzy socks.

And he made me a mix CD of a bunch of songs that I love and that remind him of me and that are significant to our relationship in some way or another.

And he got me a season of How I Met Your Mother (which happens to be both of our favorite shows).

And. Well. Backstory first.

So, when I graduated high school, my parents got me a Kindle (which I had asked for), but after I had it, I was not impressed. It didn't feel like a book. It didn't look like a book when I turned the pages. It didn't do anything other than let me read books. But I love the concept of an e-reader where I can have tons of books at my fingertips and not have to lug them all around.

So recently, I'd been looking at the Nook. And it's come a long way from the first version, which wasn't much different than the Kindle. Now it's in color and you can get magazines and apps and all kinds of fun stuff. And I'd decided that I was going to save up for one and maybe get myself one for Christmas (or whenever I had the extra cash laying around), all of which Brad knew.

So, I open the last present.

And.(I bet you can guess what's next).

It's a Nook.

And I freaked out and got really excited and insisted that he shouldn't have spent that much money on me but told him I was too happy to have it to let him take it back and overall just being a spazz.

So, pretty much it was the best fake birthday anyone has ever had ever in the history of the world.

And my boyfriend is the best boyfriend anyone has had ever in the history of the world. Not because he spent money on me. I would still think the exact same thing if he hadn't gotten me anything for my birthday. He is the best because he gets me. And he is my best friend. And he makes me laugh. And he makes me feel like the luckiest girl ever. And he loves me. And he gives me butterflies, even after a year together.

And he is the best. And he deserves an award. (Especially because he puts up with me, and I can be a handful sometimes.)

Anyway. That's my big, happy story for the day. I hope you're all having wonderful days as well.
More later. :)

*One was actually wrapped in the cardboard-ish paper that the tube had been made of because he'd run out of wrapping paper. Which I thought was genius.

**He hates cards, so I gave him a lot of crap at this point about the fact that he got me one when he'd expressly forbidden me from ever getting him any kind of cards ever.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Hobby

Location: Awesome fort
Listening to: Family guy
Days Without Fast Food: 0

Hey guys! How's it going? I hope those of you back at school are having a good time with your pursuits, and I hope those of you in the real world are having a fun and successful time being grown-ups.

Me? I'm having a night of reverting to my 5-year-old self with my boyfriend. Last fall, Brad and I built a pretty epic fort in his old apartment. Tonight, we decided to top it and build one consuming almost the entirety of his new place. It's fantastic.

We also made chocolate chip pancakes, got chocolate Oreos, and are planning on eating them with chocolate milk.


After tonight, we are planning on being super healthy because...well...neither of us wants to get diabetes. (This is also the reason I am tracking my fast food now. Because I eat wayyy too much of it and I'm hoping to shame myself into cutting down.)

Anyway, he's off doing other things at the moment, so I'm sitting in the fort by myself and I have come up with a new hobby.

Blog, meet Tumblr. I hope you get along. :) If you have a tumblr page, add me! If you don't, feel free to check it out, anyway. It's pretty much just going to be full of things that I Stumble and find beautiful or amusing, but if you like the stuff I post here, I'm pretty sure you'll like what I've got going on there.

But yeah. That's pretty much it. I haven't done anything exciting. I might be going to Ireland in the summer, but I don't want to jinx it, so I'm gonna wait to talk about that until things are more solid.

So stay tuned!

More later. :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dear Pottermore

Location: Dorm futon
Listening to: How I Met Your Mother and my neighbors talking

Dear Pottermore;

I am really excited to meet you. Like, excessively excited. You are a big, lightning-bolt-shaped mystery to me and I would like nothing more than to discover your each and every secret. I spent minutes upon minutes checking the registration page during early registration week, always missing it, until one day. One day, my super amazing boyfriend called me and said, "Guess what I just did?"

I had no guesses. But it was ok, because he was ready with the answer.


I was beyond excited. Early access to the most anticipated website I've ever...anticipated? Awesome!

But, Pottermore, we're beginning to face a few problems. See, you should be alerting me aannnnyyyyy day now about when I can access you. That's what you told me. You said, "You should be hearing from us sometime between mid-August and early September."*

But I haven't heard from you. And it's early September. And I start classes tomorrow, so I won't have so much excessive free time to dedicate to you. So, I really, really need you to alert me, oh, like, right now. Because my roommate isn't here right now and my boyfriend is at work and all I have to occupy me is the internet and the TV, and, frankly, the internet isn't offering me much.

Please, Pottermore. I just want to get to know you.


*This isn't actually a direct quote. It probably shouldn't be in quotes. But I think that's close enough to what it actually said for it to count. I'm definitely the future of

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back on Campus

Location: Work
Listening to: Nothing
Days til Move In: -1
Followers: 47

First of all, welcome Ash and Sydney! There are few things I enjoy as much as seeing that new people are following me. Well, my blog. I get creeped out if people are literally following me. But you know what I mean. Thanks!

Second of all, thank you to everyone who gave me great advice on my PC/Mac debate. It sounds like PC is the way to go for my situation, but if you have other thoughts or opinions, I would love to hear them!

Anyway, I am back on campus. I love being on campus. Seriously. It's awesome to be back around so many people and in a place where I can see my boyfriend and my friends as frequently as I want.

I'm pretty sure this year is going to be fantastic. Why, you ask? Oh, I'll tell you why!

Why This Year Is Going To Rock:

-My job. I am at work right now, and I am blogging. And Facebooking. All I have to do today is answer the phone and take messages. I can take a break whenever I want for however long I want. It pretty much rules. I doubt every day will be like this, because I haven't been trained for anything yet, but I bet some days will. And that's good enough for me.

-My roommate. I'm living with a random person this year, and so far, I think we're going to get along really well. She's a junior (I'm a sophomore), and she's super friendly and nice and fun and we seem to have a good amount in common. She's going to introduce me to TrueBlood (which I haven't ever seen yet, but really, really want to).

-My friends. I already have plans with a few of my friends to hang out and stuff. And I'm really excited. Because they're really awesome.

-My boyfriend. He is the best ever. And I get to see him every day. And it is wonderful and amazing and makes me super happy.

-My class schedule. No class til 2 p.m. on Monday and no class at all on Friday. So I pretty much have a four day weekend.

Pretty much, it is the greatest thing ever. And I'm really excited.

How are things going for those of you headed back to school? Are you looking forward to your classes and things? Or do you wish summer wasn't ending?