Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shhh!! It's a real post!! Don't scare it away!!!

Holy crap, guys. I'm actually writing a post. Because, even though it feels like nothing has happened to me lately, I've actually been up to a lot. So, here's a recap of my life lately:

-I had the most boring spring break in the whole world. I stayed on campus so I could work and stuff because I'm planning on going home tomorrow for Easter. But the thing is, when you go to a small school in a small town and everyone is gone for spring break, there is literally NOTHING to do. The only stores we have are a Walmart and a grocery store. The closest thing resembling a city is half an hour away and I had no one to go bum around with, anyway, because my boyfriend works at a real job now and can't just be a lazy bum with me. But I guess it was still a break from school. That part was pretty nice.

-I've started working out and eating better. I gained some weight this year and I'm right on the boarder of healthy and not. So I'm trying to get better. I already feel really great just from the few changes I've made. It's really nice.

-Brad's kitten lost a tooth on me just a few minutes ago. It was really weird.

-I'm really excited for my internship this summer. I get to write, edit, interview, proofread, and do design stuff for these business magazines about the airline industry. Not what I ever imagined writing about, but I'm sure it'll be really interesting. I am going to be such a busy bee. I work my internship four days a week, my job five days a week, and I'm taking a three week class from the middle of June to the beginning of July. I really hope I'll be able to balance everything alright.

-I am going home tomorrow and I get to see some of my best friends while I'm there and I haven't seen most of them in forever (like, since August) so I'm pretty much the most excited kid ever.

-I am also giving a stranger a ride up to my town. I posted a thing on our campus ride board saying where I was going and when and I guess a girl needed a ride. I've never done this before, and I'm afraid it's going to be super awkward and weird and we'll either feel like we have to talk the whole time or we'll sit in awkward silence the whole time. And it's a 3 hour drive. That's kind of long.

I'm sure you'll be hearing about that when I post tomorrow, though! So I'll leave it at that for now!!

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