Monday, July 26, 2010


Location: The couch.
Listening to: The David Letterman Show
Days til College: 31
Followers: 15!!

Somehow, I have attracted another follower? That's super cool! Welcome, Mina! (I hope you're the newest one, because I've kinda lost track of those who don't often comment and I'd feel really stupid if you've been following for a while and someone else is the newbie...)

I decided today that I'm going to start a Vlog. Yes, YouTubing. Hopefully it'll be kinda fun. I decided to read bits of my old diaries. And kind of make fun of my younger self. I'm debating whether to go in chronological order, or to just pick pages at random to read and then go for it and maybe explain things that don't make a lot of sense. Thoughts on this?

I get more and more excited for college by the day. Every time I go out, I want to buy things for college or talk to people about college or meet people from college (which is hard since my college is really far away and I only know two people going there).

I still haven't resolved either of my boy issues. Although, two guys from my future college have added me on Facebook, so adding the one guy who's going to school with me is seeming more and more acceptable. I'm still not sure, though. I'd rather meet him in person, but I'm really impatient.

So, um, yeah. Check out my YouTube channel ( The first installment of "Abbie Reads From Her Diary" should be up sometime tonight. Hopefully. If all goes well. (I probably just jinxed it...)

But yeah. Goodnight, Internet.


  1. Cool idea about the vlog. I know I will be following. Keep doing what you are doing and the followers will come. I remember when I only had ONE follower.

  2. Hi hello! I found you over from allysonkate's blog and I always like reading other people's blogs.

    As for the boy thing, go ahead and add him on Facebook. College is scary (and so is graduating, eep, I have to do that this year), so people are always looking for automatic friends or acquaintances that go to the same school as they do. Besides, he might think it's cool that a girl has made the first move!

  3. You should embed the videos in posts here.
    I think you should go random on your readings. It'll give you a little more flexibility.

  4. I watched your videos and they were really fun. What a cool idea. I only have a journal from the year I taught in the far far far north and I wish I had been doing them years longer. I admire your courage.
