Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Girlscout Theft Update!

Location: Computer desk (my laptop is still virus-ed)
Listening to: Old reruns of Friends
Days til Graduation: 63.
Followers: Still 1 (HI BRIANE P!)

Hey folks! So, yesterday I mentioned a local news story about someone stealing $800 worth of Girl Scout cookie money from a 7-year-old (which brings to mind the question: what kind of a society are we living in where people:
a.) steal that much
b.) from a 7-year-old
c.) who got it from working hard selling Girl Scout cookies and ended up
d.) too ashamed to return to her Girl Scout troop afterwards?

and also: How did that girl sell $800 worth of cookies?!? I remember being a Girl Scout and not being able to sell $100 worth [although my lack of motivation might have had something to do with that]. I'm majorly impressed.)

Anyway, I watched the story on the 10 o'clock news and it turns out I was completely wrong. It wasn't a crazed mother or a crack addict or whatever it was I guessed. Apparently the Girl Scout's mom's best friend was the culprit. For some weird reason, she accompanied the mom and her daughters to a doctor appointment and while she was in the car with the chilluns, she snagged the money.

What a ho. That's really all I can say about that one. Anyone who'd do that definitely falls into the "ho" category. Stealing is bad enough, but stealing from a 7-year-old Girl Scout transcends my original definition of human badness.

In cheerier news, today I went out to an elementary school to talk to these little kids about journalism. It was pretty much the coolest thing ever. It was the smallest school in our district (the 5th grade class has 15 kids total...that small) but there were about 30 kids in their "journalism club". And they acted like we were rockstars. They were all so happy and excited that we were there and they loved listening to us. They (a group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) come out with a 2 page newsletter every month. The fact that they seem to work hard and love doing it and are thrilled by the idea of school (which, as a cynical second-semester high school senior, is difficult for me to fathom) gives me hope for the future of society.

If any of them lose that drive (which I know some of them will), I'm pretty sure I'll cry. All day. Every day. For the rest of forever. I mean, I could probably count on one hand the number of kids my age who actually ENJOY being at school. The ones who look forward to classes and learning and love the (stifled) environment. But I'm pretty sure if more kids actually wanted to be there, it would be a nicer place. And we really wouldn't have to force ourselves to get out of bed at 6:00 a.m.

Blagh. My generation disheartens me.

In this foods class I'm taking, we started watching Supersize Me today. We're only 40-ish minutes into it, and I already regret every McMeal I've eaten in the past 18 years.

Well. That's it for now. Hopefully someone reads this. I know you guys are out there. I just know it! You just need to let me know. :)


  1. I think as a punishment they should make the woman sit in a circle of girl scouts who'll look upon her with tears in their eyes. Then after she's gone mad with guilt, they can pelt her with cookies.

    No one would ever steal from them again.

  2. Everyone's generation disheartens them. My generation thinks they invented sarcasm and cynicism -- but forgets that we really didn't have anything to be sarcastic or cynical about.

    "Supersize Me" makes me angry. It's not even a fair test; nobody's saying McDonald's food is HEALTHY. Spurlock's spurious point is that McDonald's can kill you -- but what he forgets is that people have to show a little self-restraint and not always go for the extra-large fries.

    Like, take me: I made my Easter candy last nearly 48 hours. That's amazing. I'm pretty sure that I don't disappoint MY generation.
